Announcing the 2020 TRAM Track Cohort!
Sarah Robertson · May 19th, 2020
TRAM Track is underway for 2020, and we couldn't be more excited! We've been working hard to take Track online, lock in incredible guest speakers, make improvements to our content, and of course, select a red-hot cohort of excellent teams to take the TRAM journey this year.
This year, we have nine teams that have been chosen after a rigorous application process, from five different faculties and one medical research institute... and we're really excited to have our first team from the Melbourne Graduation School of Education! We can't wait to see how they progress over the next eight weeks.
The 2020 TRAM Track cohort
Next Level Social Skills: A program that uses video games and video coaching to develop social skills of children with autism, ADHD and histories of trauma (Melbourne Graduate School of Education).
Improving Food in Aged Care: Online nutrition training program for aged care food service staff (Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences).
Tissue Slicer: An automated machine that processes sliced tissue for immunochemistry labs (Florey Institute).
Biphasic Biomass Fractionation: Low energy, low waste commercial recovery methods for useful components of microalgae (Science, Melbourne School of Engineering).
Oscen Research: A new type of reinforcement learning algorithm for supply chain management (Science).
Neptune Energy: New technology for energy storage in the electricity grid that can be adapted to a pumped hydro energy storage facility (Melbourne School of Engineering).
VR Prosthesis: A VR platform that measures prosthesis use and capabilities that engages patients in training and assessment (Melbourne School of Engineering).
Biocontrol of Pest Molluscs: Biological control of slugs and snails in agriculture and horticulture using stable resting cysts (Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences).
Antibacterial Se Nanoparticle Team: New anti-bacterial selenium nano-particle to treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria (Melbourne School of Engineering).